Tuesday, December 22, 2009


New look to the blog today. I had a special someone make me a logo and do a few changes that she felt would make it look a little better. She did such a good job, maybe I will marry her this June!!!

As I look at the new look blog it reminds of how angry people get when things change. Remember how many people are completely outraged and claim they will quit using facebook when it goes through changes. I am still waiting for those people to quit. Also all the facebook groups that get started saying if 1,000,000 people join you can get the old facebook back. I have never ever been in this group of people because change does not scare me. Unless some asks me to roll a whole bucket of change, that is something I dis like.

Speaking of dis like, when is Facebook going to get a dislike button. Has there been 1 million people join that group yet? and when is that guy going to shave his moustache or quit smoking? come one people join those groups!!!! (sarcasm)

Monday, December 14, 2009


I find it kinda amusing that the first day of winter is still a week away. Today with the wind chill it is supposed to feel like -43 Centigrade. Here is hoping that we have a much warmer winter than we had in the fall.

The Bonnyville Pontiacs played very well over this past weekend. The played Spruce Grove on Saturday and, despite playing very well, lost by a score of 4-1. Spruce Grove is ridiculously good. They are huge with most the team being 6'2" or taller, the are fast, skilled and can even read each others minds. You put all those attributes together and it is no fluke they have been ranked either 1 or 2 in Canada all year long. With out a doubt I think they would be able to compete in the WHL they are that good!

Then the Pontiacs took on the Lloydminster Bobcats, a team that is struggling mightily in this AJHL season. Coming into the game the Cats had only scored 2 goals in the last 5 games and were losers of 12 in a row. As you might expect the Pontiacs dominated most of the game and came away with a 3-2 win.

Lloyd Sucks

Next action for the Pontiacs is this Wednesday on the road in Sherwood Park. Catch all the action on Kool 101 dot 3 or http://www.1013koolfm.com/ starting at 7:15.

A lot of school buses were cancelled today due to the extreme cold and that got Robb and I thinking of all the games we used to play in class when most of the kids were away because of the weather. We agreed that 'Heads down Thumbs up' was probably the best. Coming in a distant 2nd is 4 corners which was pretty lame when you think about it. Now the best game that I have ever heard of would have to be 'The Floor Is Lava:Classroom Edition'. Now this is a variation of the game "tag" but you have to stay on the tops of the desk cuz the floor is lava. I unfortunately never had a chance to play this one but it should awesome and dangerous all at the same time. If you have a game that you remember as being the best in class game during your school days leave a comment and Robb and I will discuss tomorrow morning.

Friday, December 11, 2009


So Monsieur Dan Golby and his little side kick Turd Ferguson (frequent callers to 'Mornings with Dean and Robb') stopped in at KOOL today and brought us some lunch. 8 breakfast sandwiches, 12 donuts, and a can of french vanilla cappuccino from Tim Hortons. They have challenged all other listeners to top that and buy food for 'Mornings with Dean and Robb' from now till the end of the year. Do your part people!!!!!

Pontiac news-
Shawn Bates will be out 4-6 weeks with an undisclosed injury that has been nagging for the last month.
Coach Chad Mercier hasn't bought any gifts yet this year.
And finally the Pontiacs have a pair of home games this weekend starting tomorrow when they take on the top team in the AJHL, ranked #2 in Canada, the Spruce Grove Saints. The game should be a doozy and I am looking forward to doing color for that one this Saturday. Puck drops at 7:30 MST from the R.J. Lalande Arena. Catch the action starting at 7:15 MST on KOOL 101.3.

Also the brutal Lloydminster Bobcats come to town Sunday. That game is at 6 MST with the pre game show starting at 5:45 MST.

Lloyd sucks

Sometimes when I sit back and take it all in, I realize how cool of a job I really have. I hope this doesn't come off like I am bragging but in the last 15 months I have been able to interview/meet; Bedouin Soundclash, Lillix, Gerry Dee, The Roadhammers, Olympic Curler Ed Luckowich, Kevin Martin, Farley Flex, April Wine, Mobile, JFLOW, and possibly a few more that I can't remember right now. Had I not gotten in to Radio I would never have been able to talk to any of these people let alone shake their hands. What can I say, I love my job! I think a person has to in order to wake up at 4:30 every morning in the -40 degree winter (-51 with the windchill, not even exaggerating) and come to work and think of ways to make YOU smile.

I hope you have enjoyed what I have been doing in the Lakeland for the last 15 months cuz I have been having a blast! I think I even have a few 'fans'

Ok maybe not as hard core as these people but a fan is a fan....check out how creepy buddy on the right is.....weird.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


The Bonnyville Pontiacs and Fort McMurray Oil Barons skated to a 2-2 tie last night. A freakin tie!!!! In the AJHL when tied after 60 minutes the play a 5 minute 4 on 4 OT session just like the NHL. After that if it is still tied they go to 3 on 3. Now most leagues go to a shoot out after the first 5 minute OT decides nothing but the AJHL goes with the 3 on 3. Which by the way is very entertaining with end to end rushes and numerous 2 on 1's and last night the Pontiacs even had a 2 on none break away which they were unable to capitalize on. So now that the 3 on 3 solved nothing the game then goes to a........no where!!!! Game over. Both teams get a point and a Tie is the result. I HATE it. Ties are old fashioned. Robb thinks they should go 2 on 2 for another OT, which you would think would solve a game but I think a shoot-out after double OT in a regular season game in the AJHL should decide a winner. NO ONE likes a tie. The fans hate them, the players hate them, the coaches hate them, and even the radio guys hate them.

Unless they are these ties.

Except for the computer one...that is another tie I hate.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Sorry nothing really to write about today.....distracted by earlier posts.

Also I will be doing Color Commentary tonight for the Pontiac's VS Fort Mac game. Puck drops 7:30 and Robb and I will be on at 7:15 with the pre game show. Then join us afterwards in the Weatherford Lounge for the post game wrap up and maybe a Coors Light or 2!!!!

Guys, stay healthy!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Unfortunately there are no boobs on the blog post for today but maybe another day there will be. Plus if you just scroll down you can see them again.

Is it just me or is much more difficult to play Call Of Duty-Modern Warfare 2 on-line, during the afternoon. I find it much easier at night and I have a theory behind this. In the afternoon you get the guys/girls that don't really have much else going on and play vids non-stop. In fact there are probably people on-line during the afternoon that haven't yet gone to bed from the night before so they are really really good at the game. So if this theory is correct, the average gamer would be online in the evening after they finished supper and discovered that TV these days blows unless you like Reality shows. Either way, evening or afternoon, I am still not that good at COD-MW2 on-line but find it very addictive.

Speaking of Reality TV. Biggest Loser season finale is on tonight. I have been getting into this show as of late and, even though my fiancee is out of town, I will probably tune in and see who won. The only thing that drives me crazy about the show is that it is 2 hours long. Oh well if it gets too boring I guess I could just video game it up some more.

Ok I lied here is another boob shot...

Stay healthy guys!!!!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Stay Healthy

A new study reveals that staring at women's breasts is good for men's health and increases their life expectancy by five years. They studied 500 men and found the one's who looked at breasts exhibited lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and lesser episodes of coronary artery disease. Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female, is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out. The study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack in half.

So here is to men's health!!!!!

Ok your 10 minutes are up time, to get back to work!!!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Finally got the Christmas tree up. I won't be around B'Ville from the December 24-January 4th so we just set up a little 2 footer in the corner. I was pleased that Leigh-Anne allowed us to decorate bachelor style. We have a string of lights going all the way around our living room....its sweet!!!!

Today it is snowing like hell and I noticed people on the old Facebook complaining about it, saying why does it have to snow. Well people....its December and for the last 1000 years it gets cold and snowy in December. Its life now suck it up and embrace it...trust me, it feels way better to get excited about it than it does to bitch and moan about it.

Everyone everywhere is talking about Tiger Woods. I didn't like him before and I sure won't like him after all these 'transgressions' have been outed.

By the way at what point do you decide you had better get in a car and drive away with your wife chasing you with a golf club. I think that if I was fighting with my wife and she grabbed a golf club I would try and reason with her. How scary is Tigers wife that he thought 'well, I'm getting the f*ck outta here this woman is crazy'?

I believe that if push came to golf club swinging, I could win that fight with my girl....I'm pretty strong!!!!
Maybe not......

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Wow 8 weeks have flown by. I was using this blog as a tool for our listeners to play 'The Great Lakeland Scavenge Hunter' so this is my first blog post in about 2 and a half months.

I think the grieving process is done for me when it comes to the horror of Sunday night. I was at Robbs place watching and I think that is the only reason I didn't wreck something. I did say a few curse words tho, but it's time to move on and focus on hockey.

Speaking of hockey there is something in the works for fundraising and point totals with the Bonnyville Pontiacs. A local company will be donating 25 bucks per point that a certain Pontiac player gets throughout the course of this season and 50 bucks per playoff point. We are 2 months into the AJHL season so this point total will be retro-active. I don't want to say any names just yet as it still needs to be confirmed but it should be interesting as the player they will follow has put some big numbers up and should continue his pace for the remainder of the season. When I get things confirmed you, the reader, will be the second to know. (the listener usually hears first then I post stuff here as I am a radio dude).

I am starting to get extremely excited for Christmas!!! Like little kid oh-my-god-what-did-Santa-bring-me-excited!!!! The reason? I have 11 days off from work AND I will be attending Slovakia vs Switzerland and Canada vs USA on New Years Eve at the World Juniors in Saskatoon!!!! I was able to go to a World Junior Game in 1990 or 91 when they were last in Saskatoon but can't remember much other than being behind Canada's bench and not being able to see anything because the players stood the whole time. We migrated up (yah normally people move down) and were able to watch the game. We even made it on TSN!!!!

Well thats all I have for today....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009





Week 8 Sponsor Location-Kelly's Closet (Elk Point)

This weeks clues....

Looking for the City not country for this week...

This City was the location in the hit TV show "Full House"
This City has a lucky number of '49'
This city is the 4th most populated country in California
The earliest archaeological evidence of inhabitation of the territory of this city dates to 3000 BC
In the 1989 World Series, in this city Game 3 was infamously pre-empted by the Loma Prieta earthquake.

Week 7 Sponsor Location-Hair Fusion

This weeks clues....

This small country is ruled by a dictator!
In 2002, United States president George W. Bush labeled this country as an "axis of evil" and an "outpost of tyranny"!
In August 1945, the Soviet Army established a Soviet Civil Authority to rule the country until a domestic regime, friendly to the USSR, could be established!
The Amnok River and the Tumen River form the border between this country and People's Republic of China!
This country is directly north of South Korea!

Week 6 Sponsor Location-Homestyle Wrought Iron

This weeks clues....

This is a tiny country located in the Caribbean
This country made its Winter Olympic debut the last time the Olympics were held in Canada
With 2.8 million people, it is the third most populous anglophone country in North America
This country is a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy with the monarch being represented by a Governor-General.
This country is home to the fastest man on Earth....he's fast like a lighting BOLT!

Week 5 Sponsor Location- T & T Clothing

This weeks clues....

This country occupies 9.6 million square kilometers of earth!
If all countries on earth were food and you were an evil super villain and decided to eat this country, you would probably have to eat another country 20 minutes later!
This country has a very basic flag consisting of just 2 colors, red and yellow!
This country has had more dynasties than the New York Yankees!

Week 4 Sponsor Location-Superior Safety

This weeks clues are....

This county has 11 official languages!
This country has a motto that is "Unity in Diversity"
The Legislative Capital city is Cape Town!
This Country won the Rugby World Cup in 1995 and 2007!
This country is in the very 'South' tip of 'Africa'

Week 3 Sponsor Location-Butterfly Effects Nails and Lashes (in Budget Cuts main street Bonnyville)

This weeks clues are....

This Country is broken up into 6 states and 2 mainland Territories
It was discovered in 1606 by the Freaky-Deaky-Dutch!
Home to many a marsupials!
Their National Anthem was first performed in 1878!


This weeks clues are....

A European Country with an estimated population of 51.4 Million.
Most popular sport would be Football (or in Canada we call it soccer)
This Countries currency is called the Pound Sterling (GBP)
The official language in this country is English!


This weeks clues are....

Top 5 largest countries in the world.
Flag is Blue Yellow and Green.
Official Language is Portuguese.
In the Southern Hemisphere.
Will Host the 2016 Olympic Games!

Get your passports at Bonnyville Chrysler Jeep, Step Up AVU, or Mach 1 Cycle and Sports. Go to each weekly sponsor locations with that passport, use the hints to figure out where Robb Hunters picture was taken. Then fill in your guess on your passport and get it stamped at the sponsors location. Every day at 7 AM I will have a new clue for where Robb's picture was taken. Prize at the end of 8 weeks is a Makeover Package valued at $3000!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Not impressed

I know it has been a long time since I wrote a new B to the Log post but hey here is the latest of whats on my mind

There is something seriously wrong with the head coach of the Kindersley Kobras football team. My younger brother who has played football for the last 5 years (most experience on the team), was the starting quarterback in grade 9 and 10, and now entering grade 11, has had his role on the team reduced to special teams.
The head coach has a personal grudge against him for an incident that occurred almost a year ago during class in which my bro and a few of friends were not thinking and recorded them selves saying a few inappropriate things. Now my bro was punished by the school administration in an appropriate way. The head coach who I will now refer to as dick wad, kicked him off the football team saying he is a horrible person. Now that year is done. In the world of high school it's all about learning and my brother has learned a valuable lesson from this. Don't be a dumb ass-plain and simple. But with the new football season upon us he was not allowed to join the team because of this incident from last year.
Then once my parents brought up the fact that school punishments NEVER continue from year to year, the dick wad says his grades are not good enough to play football. Valid point, but my brother is sporting an average in the mid 70's. There are kids on this football team that are down right failing yet they have no grief. There are kids on this team that made bomb threats to the school from payphones yet they have no grief.
Whats the problem here. In a society we live in where forgiveness and second chances are part of what we stand for, why does a 16 year old who just wants to play a sport he loves and excels at have to constantly be punished for such a minor incident? Is dick wad a bully? I would say so. So dick wad, if you are reading this I would like you to maybe listen in on the bullying seminars your student-athletes are required to sit in on. You could learn a few things. This is Canada and if a guy who can go a kill someone gets out of jail and has a new life, gets all his rights back, let the best player in your football team use his talent and play. A 1 day in-school-suspensions does not warrant being bullied by a dick wad and not allowed to play football.
There was no problem when he joined the Volleyball team!

If anyone else thinks this is wrong PLEASE post a comment!!!!!!

Wow, that felt good!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Heading to the harvest fair this after noon at the Bonnyville museum. There will be pie judging for everyone. Pay $2 and you get to eat all the pies and decide which is the best. Winning pie gets $200!

Then tonight is the Bonnyville Pontiacs home opener vs St. Albert Steel. Tail gate party starts at 5:30 in the C2 parking lot with free hotdogs and kids games. Puck drops at 7:30. I will once again be helping out Robb during broadcasts with intermission interviews from the dressing room. Check out Robb's new website www.ajhlfan.com. It has everything you need to know about the AJHL and more!

Pretty pumped about tomorrow afternoon. My fiance is going to a friends house to watch the Riders game so I will be home alone watching 4 NFL games, and 2 CFL games with my son! Might even get some video game time in there as well!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nessie, is that you?

Last week a man discovered what he claims to be a picture of the Lock Ness Monster while searching Google Earth. Robb and I talked about it Friday on the show and said that officials are investigating the image to see what it really is.

After looking at the imagaes, Lock Ness Monster
Investigators (yes that is a real job) have decided it is nothing but a speed boat. I will let you be the judge and leave a comment on what you think it is and Robb and I will discuss your thoughts during the show tomorrow

Monday, August 24, 2009

Why TSN2? Why?

On Friday I had a live on location at Aparra Shoes in Cold Lake. The remote wasn't over until 6PM. Seeing as I am a die-hard Riders fan I like to watch the games in their entirety. So when TSN2 launched last year I was excited that if I miss anything on TSN I could just watch it on TSN2 a few hours later. I got home around 6:45ish and checked the guide and saw that the Riders vs Montreal game was scheduled for 8:30PM on TSN2. I turned my cell phone off, stayed away from the Internet and put in season 5 of entourage so I didn't accidentally find out the score of the game before it was over. At 8:30 I tuned to TSN2 to find live women's tennis from some lame stop in Toronto. The tennis match was going longer than expected so I sat and watched. Finally the match was over at 9Pm so I was ready for some football!!!!! Only to find out TSN2 was showing Live tennis all freaking night! The next match started at 11PM Toronto time. Who honestly wants to sit up all night watching tennis? I was so pissed off that I sat at home relying on "Canadas Sports Leader" to pull through for me and I was stuck watching to eastern European manly looking ladies piss and whine of the ball being out by a fraction of a millimeter when I could have been watching the Riders lose to Montreal and then had something else to piss me off and blog about today!

I had a horrible dream last night. I dreamed no one came to my wedding including my groomsmen. It was horrible. Also in the dream I was wearing a white tux (which will never happen) and went out partying with it the night before and got it all dirty. All in all it was a pretty strange dream so hopefully it goes it alot better when I get married for real next June

I was at the Bonnyville Pontiacs training camp most of the weekend and things are looking good. The team should have the best group of Defence men in the league, and we all know defence wins championships. I will be coaching at the annual White VS Black game tonight and cannot see my team losing. See you there at 7:30!....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Been Busy

I have seriously been lacking in the Blogging department.

But to be honest it is summer and I have been busy with summer things. I promise to pick up the slack as the days start getting shorter and the temps start dropping.

Monday, July 27, 2009


I feel like I go in cycles when it comes to blogging. One week I will blog a whole bunch with a lot of things on my mind and then the next I have nothing. Much like last week. Nothing really got my brain going so I focused on other things but now I am back with this on my mind

Lost a bet due to the Riders vs Esks game. TNT as he likes to be called is making us play the Edmonton Eskimos fight song every morning at 9 AM. Had the Riders held on and won he would have been wearing a Riders Jersey out front of the KOOL studios giving away water melon. Next time I guess.

I was at Greig Lake n Saturday and loved every minute of it. Spent the afternoon with the Seymore family who I have not seen in well over 2 years. Do you ever go see someone who you have not seen in a long time and find it awkward trying to find something to talk about? Well with Don and Bev that never happens. The whole afternoon you would have thought we spent time together on daily basis thats how awesome and interesting they are. Before we got there they went fishing and caught 16 jackfish so supper that night was amazing!!!!

Also was able to try Bud Light Lime Saturday. One word-Delicious. If you like Corona with a lime then I suggest picking up BLL instead. Save having to cut up a lime!

Congrats to the Dirt Devils for winning the 'B' side of the Bonnyville Mixed Slo-Pitch league. That is the team I began the season with but stopped playing due to travelling a lot on weekends and personal reasons.

Wednesday I head to Golden to do some whit water rafting on the Kickinghorse River. If you ever plan on challenging that river go with Wet'N'Wild. This will be my second time with that company and they get an A+ for sure!
Check out the video!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Going back to the chucks tonight. I was standing nice and close to the fence (leaning on it to be exact) last night when the chucks came ripping past, and I was struck in the neck with some flying mud! Thats what I call getting on in there!!! I loved it. I was joking with a fellow Newcap employee that that's what us Saskatchewan boys love, dirt in the face!
Who would have thought that horses could be such pranksters? On one of the heats, an outrider was having trouble getting on his horse and going. It looked like the horse was playing games because everytime the guy would try to jump on the horse would move just enough that the rider would miss. Kind of reminded me of when I go to pick people up and just as they reach for the door handle I drive ahead 3 or 4 feet. It usually gets me sworn at but hey its funny for me and I am sure that horse loved it.\

Funny how all Edmonton Eskimos fans were jacked up before the CFL season about the fact they now have Maurice Lloyd (former Riders LB) and new head coach Richie Hall (former Riders Defensive Coordinator), and now they will have the best defense in the league. They have given up 90 points in the last 2 games! And not only is that hilarious, but the Eskimos fans are blaming Ricky Ray for it! Last time I checked he didn't have the responsibility of stopping teams from scoring a point every minute and 20 seconds!

The above will back fire badly if the Riders don;t pull out a huge win tomorrow afternoon vs Montreal. I have the Riders winning 21-7. Bold? Yes, but as they say win or lose, we still drink booze!

Anthony Calvillo should get used to seeing this!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Chucks and stuff

Well it is time for the 2nd annual World Professional Chuckwagon Association Dodge Pro Tour stop in Bonnyville! Wagon races go tonight Friday and Saturday at 7 PM and then Sunday at 2! I will be live on location tonight from 4-8! I am excited, it has been at least 20 years since I was at chuckwagon races live. And I have never seen the pro's race so this should be a good week. We had Troy Flad and Luke Tournier on the show this morning and they helped answer a few questions we had such as what the word aggregate means! (It is what they call it when they add up all the times including penalties for the weekend and then crown a champion....I think). Tune in tomorrow as we will have a couple more drivers on to talk about how tonight went and what to expect for the rest of the weekend.

Had a friend tell me that the Heatley to Edmonton deal was still in the works but when I searched TSN.ca I couldn't find anything. If anyone knows anything let me know.

Buckcherry will be coming to the Lakeland this summer!!!! August 22 they will perform at the Energy Center in Cold Lake. Kinda disappointed that they chose the Energy Center in Cold Lake over the C2 here in Bonnyville but either way the show is going to rock! We started giving away tickets to the show on Wednesday so listen for more chances to win!

As you may or may not know, I am engaged and I would just like to say that with the organizational skills that my fiance has, the entire wedding should be all planned and figured out by Labour Day. That's a compliment seeing as we are not even getting married till next June!

What does a guy gotta do to get some A/C in the studio?!!!??!!

Kurtis Foster was on Off The Record yesterday arguing the need for the NHL to go to no touch icing. Hard to argue against him when you have a look at what happened when he was trying to beat out an icing call.

Is it just me or do video games cheat alot???!!!!?!!

OK that's all for today.... I am off to the track and I have $2 on Luke to be the weekend Champ!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


From time to time I will get an e-mail from some independent artist looking to get some radio play. I understand that people need to do some self promoting from time to time in order to make it. Being the Music Director here at KOOL I listen to these people and 97% of the time there is a pretty good reason why they don't have a record deal. But the other day I opened my e-mail and discovered another e-mail with a song attached. I listened to the tune and a really liked it. I replyed telling J-Flow that I liked it and would feature it in our Brand Spanking New Music feature Monday morning (July 13/09) and then again in the Broiler Steakhouse and Bar Battle of the Beats, Tuesday morning (July 14). You as the listener voted it the 1 day Champ in a landslide. It beat out Christina Aguilera-Fighter. Here are the links for J-Flow and his tune Always Care. Expect to hear it in regular rotation on KOOL soon!




Let me know what you think in the comments!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Re: Ghost of MJ

CNN is reporting that the ghostly figure (video below) was a shadow from a worker in the house, yet they can not confirm this. Watch the video and decide for your self. I think the people filming the tour would have noticed something!
I just hope that it's not a haox done by CNN to capitalize on a a human beings death!
Here is a link to the video on Perez Hilton.com (Yes I do read that garbage from time to time)

Ghost Of MJ

Check out the bottom of the page for a creepy video from CNN. Michael Jackson's ghost may be haunting the Neverland Ranch. His close friend, Miko Brando, was conducting a tour with a Larry King Live camera crew when an image of Jacko's likeness appeared at the end of a hallway. Brando did not see the ghost until after filming was completed. See the video of the ghost at the bottom!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Well another weekend has come and past and I must say it was a very productive weekend for this guy!

I popped the 'Big Question' to my former girlfriend, now fiancee!!!! She obviously said yes other wise I wouldn't be writing about it, I would be waiting for the nearest bar to open to go deal with the rejection. Any ways the wedding plans have begun and we are thinking Late June or early July. Nothing for sure but I will keep you posted!

Now to more important stuff....huge Riders victory Friday night!!!! Now a lot of people are probably thinking that a game with 15 turnovers would be an awful game but I loved every minute of it! Every time BC had the ball I was convinced that the Riders would be getting it back on the next play! And watching Saskatchewan with the ball I was on the edge of my seat (actually hotel room bed as I was in Edmonton Friday night) expecting either a huge play or a fumble.
Maybe next week we will see 16 turnovers!!!!
Post predictions on next weeks game
I have Riders winning 32-12
Game is Saturday 11 AM on TSN

Stayed at the Westin Hotel in downtown Edmonton Friday night. I was shocked at how cheap it was. They guarantee the lowest rate for a room so we went on hotels.com, found the rate, called them and the actually upgraded our room for the same price hotels.com was offering it for. It was a beautiful hotel, great room, and I recommend it to anyone wondering where to stay in Edmonton.
As we were checking out a dude in front of us was being a total prick. He was giving the lady behind the desk shit for under charging him. She kept telling him what he owed and was getting angry saying that she was wrong he charged way more to the room. I have never in my life heard a guy mad about not paying full price. He then went on about running a hotel in Maui and that he knows how things work. Well buddy, if you are reading this, go back to Maui, we don't want you here!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Its been a while

Holy moly I have been lacking in the blogging due to the business we call "Radio". Few things on my mind today!

Dany Heatly. What the fu*k?!!???!! You demand a trade and then when granted this trade you won't waive your no trade clause???!!!??! Now I know he put that clause in his contract so that he didn't get shipped out of Ottawa to a crappy team for prospects, but if you demand a trade there should be no way in hell you get to pick what team gets you. Brian Murray should kick him in the groin and tell him to suck it and play for Ottawa, or play for the team where we are trading you to. I am more angered by this because I am an Oilers fan, but even if reports come out that he turns down another team I will still think of him as a selfish, whining baby!
Hossa signed for 12 years!!!!! What was he or the Blackhawks thinking?!!!???!!! That 12 year contract will expire when Hossa is 42. Meaning for the rest of his career he won't be able to pick who he plays with ever again (unless he demands a trade and has a no trade clause and pulls a Heatley). The Blackhawks have only made the playoffs TWO (2) times in the last 12 seasons!!! Good luck winning that elusive Stanley Cup there Hossa!

Monday, June 22, 2009


What a difference a week makes. Last Monday we were experiencing highs in the 30's...this today it probably won't get any warmer than 20. It also figures that it is officially summer the sun hasn't been out in 2 days.

That didn't stop me from going golfing yesterday though. It was my first time on the Bonnyville course and I must say it is a tough course. The fairways are pretty narrow which is tough for me seeing as I can't drive the ball straight on a consistent basis. It was nice to get out and relax seeing as it was my first Fathers Day. If you ever want a good laugh, go golfing with The Robb Hunter and get him to do the Happy Gilmour. Good times!!!!

Seeing as there has been kind of a lull in the sports world TSN has been showing alot of Poker. Which got me to a thinking: What was on TV when the sports world was slow, before Texas Hold 'Em became popular. Seriously, TSN has about 3 hours of the stuff every night. Would it not be more entertaining if they had some obscure sports on like Cricket or maybe even rodeo coverage? Poker is fun and all but it is defiantly a channel changer for this guy.

Good to see Tiger isn't doing good at the U.S. Open. Robb's news this morning had a voicer of Tiger Woods complaining about the fact that he gets up early and has to wait around to see if t hey are golfing or not due to the rain and he is tired of not knowing. They guy golfs for a living and he thinks he needs to bitch about something? He gets paid millions upon millions of dollars to do something most of us do for relaxation and he feels the need to complain. AND, he doesn't even enter every tournament. Must be a tough life for the #1 golfer in the world!
Even more reason for me to cheer against him.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Back to work Monday

I was so confident that the Penguins would win in 7 that I didn't even watch game 7!
I was busy setting up camp for my weekend camping trip and listened to the game on the radio. The station I was listening to it on had the Detroit feed which was good if you were a Fleury fan. They were so one sided anytime Fleury made a save it was "incredible" or "miraculous". I guess if you bet the mighty Red Wings it must have been a miracle.
Good job on Crosby for snubbing some of the arrogant Wings after the game for the traditional handshake. I would never shake Maltby's, Hossa's or Osgood's hands. They probably smell funny.

Like I mentioned above I was camping on the weekend and wowwee did I pick a good weekend. The thermostat on my vehicle was reading 34 yesterday on my way back from golfing and this was only 1 in the afternoon. I had a great time relaxing and it was fun having the first camping experience with my son! He sure did tan and loved every minute of the whole outdoor experience. Other than when we took him down to the water and put his feet in the water....he screamed like someone was killing him...it was actually pretty funny.

While camping I went golfing at Northern Meadows golf course outside Goodsoil. I recommend it to anyone who golfs. Lots of trees, very little water, and reasonably priced. I don't know if I am just getting better at golf or it was an easy course because I shot a 49 and it was the first time I swung a club all year. Drained 2 fifteen foot puts which was pretty exciting.

If anyone knows of a better lake than Kimball Lake in the Meadow Lake Provincial Park, I would love to know about it. I have been going to Kimball for the last 24 years and can not get enough of it. It was the cleanest water, the nicest beach, and the best campsites I have ever seen. I was also able to get KOOL on my radio the whole way there and back!

Chris Pronger is a loser...just thought I would put that out there!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ball, Oilers, Laughter!

A little piece of me died last night.
I was playing slo-pitch in a beer league, my team is the Dirt Devils, and we are a semi-serious team. It was my 4th at bat of the game which is pretty good considering I was batting at the bottom of the order. The count was 3-0 and our team captain/coach/league president gave me the RED light. So for fear of pissing off my team mates I did not swing and 2 pitches later I walked for the first time in 7 years of playing Slo-Pitch. I didn't even swing the bat once in the 5 pitch at bat.
And to had injury to insult, I tore up my hamstring for the 1000th time on my 1st at bat of the game running out an infield single. For the rest of the game I was the DH and had to have a pinch runner. I should be able to go again on sunday and I guarentee I will not take a walk again. Gotta swing away in Slo-Pitch.
Back home with the Fog Duckers I would owe a 6 pack of beer for walking!

Rumours are starting to swirl about a few trades in the works for the Edmonton Oilers.
News released yesterday of Danny Heatley wanting a trade from Ottawa has some people suggesting that Edmonton could be his next home. I do not know if this is a good idea seeing as it would probably cost a top D-man and forward to obtain Heatley. It would be nice to see him in copper and blue tho!
Another rumour is that the Oilers may be able to trade up in the draft as high as a 2nd overall pick. This has me excited as the number 2 spot would be John Tavares seeing as the Islanders are telling the world they are picking Victor Hedman. Both the Lighting (number 2 overall) and Islanders (number 1) want Hedman so if he does go 1st then the Bolts will consider a trade.
How does this sound for a starting lineup this fall?

LW-Danny Heatley C-John Tavares RW-Ales Hemsky
D-Sheldon Souray D-Tom Gilbert
G-Dwanyne Roloson
I can see it now!!!!

My kind of humour


I love the noises!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Manly Treatment

We had the ladies from Camelot Body Care Plus in studio all morning today. I received a Gentleman's Facial. It was absolutely amazing. They started off by having me breath in this stuff that relaxed me. Then Sarah pretty much massaged my face for an hour. It ended with a green mask that was on my face for about 15 minutes. While that was on I had my hands massaged. It was the most relaxing thing ever!
Next Robb had a Sport Pedicure. They soaked his feet, trimmed his cuticles, shaved down his calluses (pardon the spelling), massaged his feet, and then had a paraffin wax wrap. Again Robb was relaxed and ready for a nap!
This was all done to prove that manly men such as Robb and I, can get this stuff done without feeling shame.
We are also qualifying people who win the Gentleman's package for fathers day. The package includes the facial, pedicure, 30 minute massage, and some product for the face and stuff.
Today's manly trivia was, name the 6 original teams in the NHL.
Geronimo knew the 6 were Chicago, Boston, Detroit, New York Rangers, Montreal and Toronto.
If you have any manly trivia suggestions please email them to me at Dlee@newcap.ca

I was at the Maple Flag open house Saturday afternoon. It was pretty cool to see all the fighter jets up close and personal. When you see them on TV flying around you forget how big they actually are.
Huge props goes out to CFB Cold Lake for the parking situation. We pulled up to where they had a military man directing people on where to park. He looked into my vehicle and saw that I had my son who is only 12 weeks old. He then said people with children under 3 get to park up close. He directed me up to our parking spot which was literally 100 yards from the entrance to the show.
More places should have kids parking. It made pushing the stroller through the dirt parking lot a hell of a lot easier.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Next time you run into The Robb Hunter ask him about his duck named Jerry!

I was at the Weatherford lounge lastnight after the Bachelorette date and enjoyed their 30 cent wing night. The selection of flavours was exceptional and for being only 30 cents the wings were a good size. Check it our Tuesdays at the Weatherford Lounge in the C2.

I didn't blog yesturday as you may or may not have noticed. I had my blog all written out and ready to go and then hit the 'post' button. Up came a message saying error and what I spent practically all morning writing was lost forever. So I said screw it and didn't bother re-writing it.
It was Gold by the way!!!

We will be presenting the Lakeland 2010 Alberta Winter Games a cheque valued at $160,000 this afternoon. Check back for a picture of the giant check. I am pumped to on board with these games as we will be covering them extensivly this coming winter!

From the song "Don't Trust Me" by 3OH!3

'Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips'

Now I am not one to be offended by song lyrics (I do have all Eminems CDs) but is that line not slightly offensive. I think the reason it bothers me is because thats the line in the radio edit. You can't say bitch on the radio but you can say that. The CRTC is messed up.

Monday, June 1, 2009


No thunderstorms in the forecast today!!!!

I was at a wedding on the weekend (congrats Kayla and Adam) and started wondering when you get too old to move your hands while dancing. It never failed...anytime a man over the age of 45 entered the dance floor the only thing he did was move his feet and hips.

Congrats to my brother Shane at divisionals in Saskatoon. He qualified for provincials in Prince Albert this coming weekend in the triple long jump and 4x100 relay.
He finished 2nd in triple jump, 4th in long jump, 4th in 100 meter sprint and 5th in high jump.

MTV movie awards were lastnight. Eminem performed live and he is awful live. I also have a live DVD from his Encore tour and it was a total waste of 15 bucks.
It was also very weird when that Bruno character came down from the ceiling in some bondage gear and landed on Eminem. Eminem lost it and stormed off. I am willing to bet he won't be back to do stuff for MTV...unless he guest stars in The Hills or something stupid on MTV.
At one point during the show they cut away to these 6 'VJs', (like during a hockey game they have a panel in studio) and after their 2 minutes of air time I think I became dumber. They made no sense and said the word 'like' about 47 times....is that what kids are into these days...stupid-act-like-your-are-dumb-say-like-1000-times-and-giggle?
I am completly sick of the dumb girl act. Ladies do your selves a favour and show your intelligence. It's not a turn on or funny to act dumb.

Friday, May 29, 2009


This past week was the fastest week in the history of weeks!!!!!

My blog may seam a little bit different today. That would be because of the awful accident I had lastnight. You see I was at The Robb Hunter's place last night sitting around a fire when I went to put a log in the fire and I got a sliver. Robb's wife tried to help me with tweezers but nothing was able to fix it so now I have a stinging in my right hand near my index finger.

No thunderstorms in the forecast today!!!!

Relay for life gets started tonight in Cold Lake at the Grand Centre highschool. I hope to see alot of people out and I will update the final number for money raised on Monday.

Good luck to my brother Shane who will be competing in a track meet in Saskatoon tomorrow. If he wins there, he will be going to Provincials for a 3rd consecutive year!!! He is a long jumper, triple long jumper and 100 metre sprinter so go Shane go!!!!
He has set school records in long jump so this being his senior year, adding a Provincial Banner in the Kobra Dome would be awesome.
I love the hair in this pic taken a couple weeks ago at the sectionals.....He runs like the the wind!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Finals,Wipeout,American Idol,Jays

Another Pittsburgh/Detroit Stanley Cup Final.....it seams funny that after 1 year, 82 regular season games, 3 playoff rounds and it's the same 2 teams competing for what is supposed to be the toughest trophy to win. I have Pittsburgh in 7.

The newest season of Wipeout was on lastnight. I was laugh histarically while my girlfriend was cringing. Something about watching people get hurt just makes me a happy guy. Nothing beats seeing someone fall so awkwardly they may have broke their neck.

The 2 finalists for American Idol, Kris Allen and Adam Lambert, have released singles. The only problem I have is the fact that they are the exact same singles. They couldn't have wrote 2 songs and had them sing something else?
Our afternoon girl Genevieve will be featuring both songs on Brand Spanking New Music next week.

What the fizzuck happened to the Blue Jays?!?!?!?! Lost 9 straight games and yesturday's was especially painful. Halliday left the game with an 8-3 lead to have the bull pen blow it. Then comes All-Star 2nd Baseman Aaron Hill to the rescue, 2 run shot in the 10th, WHOOO-HOOO losing streak over......NOPE....blow it again in the 11th. So much for the World Series.

I wish people would stop getting there kids who can barely speak to phone in during the Battle of The Beats

I said there ain't no rest for the wicked!
Great tune!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Marilyn Manson, Movies, Quenneville,Oilers

I was very surprised this morning when I discovered that Marilyn Manson has released a new CD, The High End Of Low. He is also headlining the 2nd annual Mayham Festival this summer so now I guess there will be someone to blame again for kids doing awful awful things!
And Eminems new album, Relapse, is out and it's quite explicit, not that there's anything wrong with that.

I am flipping through the pages of the Rolling Stone magazine and can't help but notice that the guys from Green Day wear way to much eye makeup. Do girls actually like a guy who wears makeup?

It has been well over 3 months since I rented a movie let along saw one in the theatre and I feel like I get to watch them all every Tuesday. You see at KOOL we have a new DVD/CD/Video game feature where I tell everyone what movies are out there to rent and such. Well this feature requires me to read review after review on these DVD's so I can let the listener know what movies are worth picking up.
Now all through school when we were required to do book reports, we had to report what happened in the book but leave out the ending.
It seams movie critics who write the reviews did not learn that, and now every Tuesday morning around 5:30 am I read how every movie that is released ends and it makes me not want to even rent the movie.
Not once does Ebert tell the ending of his movies so take a page from his book.

Joel Quenneville was fined from the NHL for criticizing the officials. Quenneville was quoted as saying;
"I think we witnessed probably the worst call in the history of sports there.
Nothing play."
"You know, they scored, it's 3-0. They ruined a good
hockey game and absolutely destroyed what was going on the ice. ... Never
seen anything like it."

I think a referee should have to face the media after a game and explain why he made or did make certain calls. Every player and coach in the league faces the media when they screw up.

The following is from TSN.ca

The Edmonton Oilers have found their men.

Pat Quinn was announced as the new head coach at a news conference today with former Rangers coach Tom Renney being named an associate head coach.
Kelly Buchberger, who was an assistant coach with the Oilers last season is remaining on the bench.
"I'm certainly aware of the history of the Oilers," Quinn said. "I'm fully aware of the passion of the fans and the work ethics and the appreciation of talent here. I think we have the opportunity to help this team win and I'm excited to have Tom and Kelly (Buchberger) here. It's a thrill and a joy to return to the rink and I'm happy to be here again."

The move reunites Quinn and Renney with general manager Steve Tambellini from their days together with the Vancouver Canucks. Quinn worked as head coach and general manager for 11 seasons in Vancouver and was behind the bench from 1990 to 1996. Tambellini spent two decades working in Vancouver's front office before joining the Oilers last summer. Renney got his first NHL head coaching job with the Canucks in 1996.

"If I think of leadership, I think of Pat," Tambellini said. "If I think of the way you want to be treated as a player, I think of someone like Pat Quinn. If I think of someone who sets and example morally for an organization of how to go forward, I think of a man like Pat Quinn."
Quinn becomes the ninth head coach in the Oilers' 30-year history, replacing Craig

MacTavish, who was fired last month.

Quinn's first stint as an NHL coach came in 1978-79 with the Philadelphia Flyers and also worked behind the bench and in the front office with the Los Angeles Kings, Vancouver Canucks and Toronto Maple Leafs.

He coached five seasons in Vancouver, winning the Jack Adams Award as coach of the year in 1992 and leading the team to the 1994 Stanley Cup final where they lost to the New York Rangers. He joined the Maple Leafs for the 1998-99 season and led the club to two straight appearances in the Eastern Conference Final.

Quinn was also coach of Canada's Olympic entry for Salt Lake City in 2002 and led the Canadian National Men's Hockey Team to gold, ending the team's 50-year drought. Two years later, he returned to coach Team Canada in the 2004 World Cup of Hockey leading them to a championship finish.

After his stint with the Maple Leafs, Quinn worked as Canada's national men's team coach for the 2006 Spengler Cup and led Canada to its fifth straight gold medal at the 2009 World Junior Hockey Championship.

Quinn also has hockey ties to Edmonton, where he was an added player on the Oil Kings 1963 Memorial Cup championship team. One of his teammates was Former Oilers coach and general manager Glen Sather.

Renney, who was fired near the end of the 2008-09 season by the New York Rangers after five-seasons behind the bench expressed his happiness being behind the bench in a support role with Quinn.

"This is a no-brainer," said Renney. "This is a slam dunk. I want to do everything I can within Pat's framework to being a winning product on the ice for our fans."

Hopefully Pat has no trouble having the same amount of success with the Oilers as he has had with the National program. Only 5 more months until the 2009/2010 season!!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Well it's back to work Monday after an extremly busy weekend. I was in Cold Lake Saturday for the Rosenoir remote which went by really fast thanks to the comic relief of Chris Gill. Not sure if he tries to be hilarious or it just happens but he's a funny funny man.

Next I was off to the Bonnyville Pro Rodeo. I was rather impressed with the turn out and I also heard a rumor that they had to stop letting people in because it was a "Sell Out". It was also the 1st rodeo I have been to where they had a clock and leader board which was very handy since I missed the action on Friday.

Sunday was fun. We had a dunk tank set up in the Rodeo grounds to help raise money for the Relay for Life in Cold Lake this coming Friday. My self, The Robb Hunter (www.therobbhunter.com) and Genevieve were all dunked throughout the afternoon. We were able to raise about $250 which is good considering it was only 2 bucks to try and dunk us. The water was very cold and I hope I do not have to do it again for a long time....unless we are raising money.
I am also putting my self up for auction to raise money for the Relay for Life. The highest bidder will get me for 4 hours of labor. If you wish to bid on me please call 1-877-812-5665 or 1-780-812-3058. Our afternoon girl Genevieve is also auctioning herself off so please support the cancer research.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Rodeo Queen, Bachelorette, TSN

I get to have the Rodeo Queen on the show later this morning, around 9:30ish. Should be interesting. If anyone has any pressing questions to ask her let me know!

I went to Little Greek restaurant lastnight in St. Paul for the Bachelorette date and had a very delicious baked spaghetti. I am so glad the 1st round of dinner dates is over and done with now. It was good and all but sitting there and watching a couple eat is not my cup of tea. Round 2 of the Bachelorette starts next tuesday with themed dates so it should get a little more fun for spectators.

Is anyone else disgusted by TSN's biased opinion on the Western Conference Final? They talk like Detroit has won the west and should easily walk over Pittsburgh. Remember 3 years ago when Edmonton faced San Jose in the 2nd round? Oilers were down 2 games to none, they were totally out played, out hit, and just looked like an 8th seeded team playing a power house. Then game 3 and 4 were played in Edmonton were the Oil dominated and won the next 4 straight. I have no doubt in my mind that Chicago can do the same this year. Just because you are down 2-0 in a series does not mean your out. I know the stats say that when a team is up 2-0 they win the series 90% of the time but lets give the Blackhawks a little bit of credit. Especially since they already beat Calgary (who TSN picked as cup favorites) and the Canucks (another favorite from TSN). I say Chicago will win the next 2, lose game 5 in Detroit and then win game 6 and 7.
If I am wrong, well then I guess I will apply for a job on TSN.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rodeo weekend is coming up fast! Midway, pancake breakfasts, parades, chili cook off, heavy horse pulls, bull riding, dance, and beer gardens. What else says western Canada better than that?!

Huge congrats to Gary Kurick (hope that's spelled right) for winning the big award in Winnipeg for his wheel chair invention. Gary was on the morning show a month ago or so talking about his project. Tune in in the following weeks for Gary to be back on the show!

One thing that has been bugging me lately is rude people. I was in a store the other day buying a few things and when I got to the checkout the girl scanned my stuff and then just looked at me. She never told me how much my total was, asked if that was all or anything. I handed her my debit card she swiped it, I did my thing and it took until I told her I didn't need my receipt for her to say a word, which was a barely audible "Oh". If you work with the public say hello, or at least smile. It may be a bad job but at least act like you are a nice person. If you don't like working with the public get a different job.

Maybe I just expect too much from people, or I need a beer.

Friday, May 15, 2009


The friday of the may long weekend!!!! What other sentence gets you goin more? The official start to the summer, drinking in the rain at a campground that has no leaves on the trees yet, swimming in fridgid waters. Hey its awesome!
It has been a few years since I was out camping for May Long, last time it rained the whole time and some one I was sharing a tent with forgot to close the door so I slept in the car the whole time.

Carolina/Boston-Game 7-Overtime. Nothing beats a game 7 in sports and nothing beats OT in game 7 in sports. I was hoping for Boston to win since Carolina is a bunch of cheaters as proven in 2006.
Anahem/Detroit-Game 7-Boring. I was hoping both teams would lose. Go Hawks Go!

I have my Golf clubs all ready to go for the weekend and I don't care what happens I am getting a round in by Monday at the latest. I have been NEEDING to golf for about 3 months now and still have not gone.

I was in Cold Lake last night for the Lakeland Bachelorette and saw that the ice on Cold Lake is still thick. I was disgusted. When will it warm up so I can complain about being hot?
While in Cold Lake I ate at Clarks down by the marina and my oh my do they make a delicious burger. Possibly the best in the lakeland! Next time I am in CL Clarks will be my restaurant of choice.

Hope everyone has a safe and fun May Long weekend.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Was it not disappointing to see the Caps/Pens series end in such a bad way? Game 7’s in hockey are the most intense games of the year but someone forgot to tell Washington that. I was outside assembling my new BBQ (which kicks ass by the way) and came in to check on the game and saw it was 5-1 at the start of the 3rd period for Pittsburgh. Now I didn’t see much of the game but from the highlights on TSN it looked like Washington didn’t even care. Hate to say it but Russians (Ovechkin, Kovlov, Fedorov, Varlamov, Semin) just don’t have the passion and determination that Canadians (Fleury, Crosby, Letang, Cooke) have. Great previous 6 games though!

I have the worst craving in the world to go to Regina and watch some Riders football! Only 50 more days until the Riders open their season at home vs the BC Lions. Can’t wait!!!

I was not impressed yesterday afternoon with the customer service in Wal-Mart at Cold Lake. We went there to buy a BBQ (as mentioned above it kicks ass) and they had them all stacked up. So we went to a Wal-Mart worker and asked for some assistance. 10 minutes later, nothing. So we kindly went back and told them we would like to buy a BBQ so could we have some help. 10 minutes later 2 girls came along, who looked as if they couldn’t even lift a jug of milk, and complained that they needed to help me so they told me to go up front and they would bring it up to me. Another 10 minutes later they came with the big BBQ balanced on a shopping cart, rolled it up to me and walked away. So I was left to load this 150 lb box into my vehicle alone and had to balance it on the top of a little shaky shopping cart through the parking lot. Maybe next time I’ll check out Zellers.