Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Its such a touchy and tricky subject. I don't even like to say the word. In the last 72 hours people very close to me have been devastated by the news of 2 young men who decided there was nothing left. I didn't know these guys personally but can feel the pain. One was a guy who my brother would hang out with from time to time and one was a cousin of my wife.

It brings up so many emotions. Sadness. Anger. Confusion. Guilt. My heart aches for the people who were close to them. I'm angry that they decided to hurt those who loved them. I'm confused as to why they decided that is all they had left. I feel guilty that I couldn't help.

I have had to deal with suicide since I was 5 years old. My uncle Miles decided that was his only way out. Its not.

I know life is tough. I have felt some extreme lows. But there is always someone there who will listen. There is always someone there who loves you. There is always something to live for.

Like I said, I didn't know these 2 guys. They didn't know each other. 2 guys who felt there was no other answer.

If these are things that cross your mind, talk to someone.

1 800 448 3000. That's a national hot line number. They can help.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Watched some pretty good stuff on TV yesterday. Jurassic Park was on so Seth (22 months old) and I sat down and watched it. He lost his marbles when the T-Rex attacks the cars after escaping its pen. Like literally screamed, cried and ran out of the room. I had to pick him up and he locked onto my like a little squid. his little arms and legs wrapped all the way around me I swear.

I was able to calm him down and then taught him how to hide under a blanket during scary spots. He rather enjoyed doing that and even did it at appropriate times during the movie and then later that night during Oilers power plays.

Can we seriously start cleaning up facebook. Its making us as a society look dumb. If you don't know how to spell something look it up. You're already on the Internet. Some peoples entire statuses seem to be in a code that I can't figure out. It doesn't make you cool, it makes you dumb.

Speaking of FB, I cruise through it all the time to see whats important to you, the listener. Its helpful on deciding what people care about, and I noticed the ONLY people tweeting and facebooking about the Golden Globes last night, were radio people. I personally don't care about the awards shows and it looks like you don't either. I like knowing who won, as it will affect what movies I rent but the show itself, in my opinion, is a huge waste of time. I was busy with Simpsons, Bobs Burgers, Family Guy, and the Oilers game last night.

That's it, that's all