Friday, January 14, 2011

Just a quickie

How long is a person supposed to hang on to cards for? I have a few birthday and Christmas cards on my desk and I think its time to throw them away but I don't want to offend the people who bought them for me. OR, am I supposed to keep them forever? Maybe I will just do that, or at least until the cleaning lady tosses them for me.

I have a confession. Chad Mercier, head coach and gm of the Pontiacs, was in today for Behind the Bench. He asked if I had taken my Christmas Tree down. I knew he would make fun of me if I answered honestly so I lied and said yes. Then when Robb piped up that he still hasn't taken theirs down yet, I joined Chad and made fun of Robb.

Like Robb said though, they do make great lamps!

That's it that's all!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


We discussed nick names on the more morning show today. I wish I had a really cool nickname. I came up with a really cool nickname, but that's illegal and it wont be able to be used, but if for some reason we COULD make up our own, I would be Dean "The Jet" Lee!!!

My grandpa calls me Tiger, (started before Tiger Woods was famous) but he's the only one.

Oatmeal is the most underrated breakfast food on the market.

What mode of transportation do I remind you of? Think that's a weird question? It came up in a game of "What" over the weekend and 2 people came up with a broken elevator......weird in so many ways.
Good Job to the Kindersley Red Lions of the Sask West Hockey League. About 5 years the Senior hockey team began. I played for the first 2 years and we were absolutely awful. I think we had 2 wins in those 2 seasons. Most nights dressed only 12 players or so, most of which were under the age of 19, and most nights were filled with brawls and extra curricular activities.
But after a few hard, long ,depressing seasons they have become a respectable hockey team in that league and this year can threaten for a league title! Good job guys!

That's it, that's all!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ted Williams

How does Ted Williams have a twitter account already? From what I understand he doesn't actually have a place to live yet. Is he going into Internet cafes and tweeting? Something doesn't add up here. There is no way someone made one and its not actually him, now is there?

If he has a "golden" radio voice, mine must be more like a "graphite" radio voice.

Thanks Dr Phil for shining a light on the dark side of him. Not only was he homeless but he has 9 children and an ex-wife who he ran out on in the 80's and hasn't paid any sort of child support. He has only been homeless for the last 15 years so do the math and see how much of a deadbeat he was before hitting rock bottom.

Speaking of his kids, cops were called to his hotel room Monday night due to a "domestic disturbance" . He and his daughter were taken "downtown" and released after they calmed down and it was discovered there was no physical harm done to anyone. They were just having a heated argument. It could have been anything, but my guess it was over the classic debate, spoon or fork for your KD!

Does he have a Russian dentist?

Has anyone ever asked the guy who currently does the Cleveland Cavaliers announcing if hes cool with the job offer to Ted for HIS job??

People are inspired by this story. The key to success and fame is, according to Ted, get into radio, get married, have 9 children, leave your wife and kids for another woman, become an alcoholic, get into drugs, become homeless, beg cheat steal for 15 years, get 'clean' and then get discovered. Boom!! its that easy kids!!!

That's it that's all.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chicken fights

Got Call of Duty:Black Ops for my birthday!!! I always play the campaign mode before going online, but i must say, the missions are pretty lame. There is WAY to much watching animations and not enough killing bad guys. I just landed in Vietnam so it should get interesting. Hopefully I'm in Forrest Gump and Bubbas platoon.

3 weeks and I am off to Cancun with family. My dad, 2 brothers and I were planning on hitting up some Bullfighting (totally hoping to see some matador get demolished by a bull) but have found out they don't have any this year. Upon telling my youngest brother of this (17) he then suggests, in his own words, "chicken fighting"! Frick did I laugh. for whatever reason calling it "chicken fighting" makes it seem OK to attend. First of all, I don't even know if its legal in Mexico, and second of all, all i can picture with cock fights is a sketchy-back alley-underground-people making bets-people getting killed-something from a James Bond movie-situation. Kind of like this.

See! Sketchy!!!

Then I thought, well maybe he means chicken fights as in the girls-on-top-of-shoulders-wrestling-in-a-pool. Which should be safer.

Something tells me this is NOT what he meant, and that makes me sad.

That's it, that's all. See ya tomorrow