Friday, December 4, 2009


Finally got the Christmas tree up. I won't be around B'Ville from the December 24-January 4th so we just set up a little 2 footer in the corner. I was pleased that Leigh-Anne allowed us to decorate bachelor style. We have a string of lights going all the way around our living room....its sweet!!!!

Today it is snowing like hell and I noticed people on the old Facebook complaining about it, saying why does it have to snow. Well people....its December and for the last 1000 years it gets cold and snowy in December. Its life now suck it up and embrace me, it feels way better to get excited about it than it does to bitch and moan about it.

Everyone everywhere is talking about Tiger Woods. I didn't like him before and I sure won't like him after all these 'transgressions' have been outed.

By the way at what point do you decide you had better get in a car and drive away with your wife chasing you with a golf club. I think that if I was fighting with my wife and she grabbed a golf club I would try and reason with her. How scary is Tigers wife that he thought 'well, I'm getting the f*ck outta here this woman is crazy'?

I believe that if push came to golf club swinging, I could win that fight with my girl....I'm pretty strong!!!!
Maybe not......

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Wow 8 weeks have flown by. I was using this blog as a tool for our listeners to play 'The Great Lakeland Scavenge Hunter' so this is my first blog post in about 2 and a half months.

I think the grieving process is done for me when it comes to the horror of Sunday night. I was at Robbs place watching and I think that is the only reason I didn't wreck something. I did say a few curse words tho, but it's time to move on and focus on hockey.

Speaking of hockey there is something in the works for fundraising and point totals with the Bonnyville Pontiacs. A local company will be donating 25 bucks per point that a certain Pontiac player gets throughout the course of this season and 50 bucks per playoff point. We are 2 months into the AJHL season so this point total will be retro-active. I don't want to say any names just yet as it still needs to be confirmed but it should be interesting as the player they will follow has put some big numbers up and should continue his pace for the remainder of the season. When I get things confirmed you, the reader, will be the second to know. (the listener usually hears first then I post stuff here as I am a radio dude).

I am starting to get extremely excited for Christmas!!! Like little kid oh-my-god-what-did-Santa-bring-me-excited!!!! The reason? I have 11 days off from work AND I will be attending Slovakia vs Switzerland and Canada vs USA on New Years Eve at the World Juniors in Saskatoon!!!! I was able to go to a World Junior Game in 1990 or 91 when they were last in Saskatoon but can't remember much other than being behind Canada's bench and not being able to see anything because the players stood the whole time. We migrated up (yah normally people move down) and were able to watch the game. We even made it on TSN!!!!

Well thats all I have for today....