Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring time

So I know it has been a month since my last blog entry. I am always being told that if I have a blog, I need to care about it and make sure its up to date. If I don't care about it, then the listener isn't going to care to read it. But to be honest, on this side of the mic in my personal life, it has been a month from hell. I'm not going to get into whats going on but I just haven't had the motivation to blog for a while.

So now that that's off my chest a few things that have been bugging me.

The NHL.
When are they going to start realizing that trying to grow the game and gain new fans is also pushing away the people who love the sport. Why is there empty rinks in Phoenix? Because people there don't care about hockey. There are 2 cities (WPG, QUE) in the greatest hockey nation on earth that are begging for NHL and for reasons I cannot understand the NHL says no we need to lose millions in PHX every year.

Rules. it is beginning to be impossible to figure out what is "clean" and what is "illegal" in the NHL. hitting a guy away from the puck into the boards is worth 10 games but pile driving a guy into the turnbuckle isn't even a fine. When a government is broken, there is an election and new people are brought in to run the country. The NHL brass has been broken for years and I think its time some new people were brought in to get it back to how it is. Rod Pedersen always says hockey is broken and I'm starting to agree with him.

I'm convinced when my 2 year starts playing at the Junior level, the game will be un-enjoyable to watch. I guess I will have to start teaching him a nasty changeup this spring.

Thats it thats all