Monday, June 1, 2009


No thunderstorms in the forecast today!!!!

I was at a wedding on the weekend (congrats Kayla and Adam) and started wondering when you get too old to move your hands while dancing. It never failed...anytime a man over the age of 45 entered the dance floor the only thing he did was move his feet and hips.

Congrats to my brother Shane at divisionals in Saskatoon. He qualified for provincials in Prince Albert this coming weekend in the triple long jump and 4x100 relay.
He finished 2nd in triple jump, 4th in long jump, 4th in 100 meter sprint and 5th in high jump.

MTV movie awards were lastnight. Eminem performed live and he is awful live. I also have a live DVD from his Encore tour and it was a total waste of 15 bucks.
It was also very weird when that Bruno character came down from the ceiling in some bondage gear and landed on Eminem. Eminem lost it and stormed off. I am willing to bet he won't be back to do stuff for MTV...unless he guest stars in The Hills or something stupid on MTV.
At one point during the show they cut away to these 6 'VJs', (like during a hockey game they have a panel in studio) and after their 2 minutes of air time I think I became dumber. They made no sense and said the word 'like' about 47 that what kids are into these days...stupid-act-like-your-are-dumb-say-like-1000-times-and-giggle?
I am completly sick of the dumb girl act. Ladies do your selves a favour and show your intelligence. It's not a turn on or funny to act dumb.

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