Saturday, January 8, 2011

Game Cancelled

The Pontiacs game tonight in Sherwood Park has been cancelled because of weather. So no broadcast tonight, but I did hand pick the music to fill the 3 hours that would normally occupy the evening on game night.

I bet the Crusaders are all pumped that they don't have to feel the wrath of the Yaks. Kevin Carthy has a great status on facebook, "deeply concerned for the kids of sherwood park who were expecting a show tonight" The wrecking ball will be grounded until at least Wednesday when the Pontiacs make the trip to the Park again. Now word on when tonight's game will be re-scheduled, but it sounds like it will be in February.

I'm more disappointed on missing out on a chance to see if my source regarding "puck bunnies" is accurate. oh well.

Speaking of which, I was talking with a friend last night who also referred to "puck bunnies" as just "pucks" while growing up. They also had a special "regional" term for them while growing up, "Tiger Tails" as he grew up in Medicine Hat.

How soon is too soon to teach Seth (23 months old) how to shovel the sidewalk? Should we start with taking out the garbage first? He already likes to help with dishes so I figure we get him trained up as soon as we can.

OK that's all, I should go home. Talk to you later!

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