Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chicken fights

Got Call of Duty:Black Ops for my birthday!!! I always play the campaign mode before going online, but i must say, the missions are pretty lame. There is WAY to much watching animations and not enough killing bad guys. I just landed in Vietnam so it should get interesting. Hopefully I'm in Forrest Gump and Bubbas platoon.

3 weeks and I am off to Cancun with family. My dad, 2 brothers and I were planning on hitting up some Bullfighting (totally hoping to see some matador get demolished by a bull) but have found out they don't have any this year. Upon telling my youngest brother of this (17) he then suggests, in his own words, "chicken fighting"! Frick did I laugh. for whatever reason calling it "chicken fighting" makes it seem OK to attend. First of all, I don't even know if its legal in Mexico, and second of all, all i can picture with cock fights is a sketchy-back alley-underground-people making bets-people getting killed-something from a James Bond movie-situation. Kind of like this.

See! Sketchy!!!

Then I thought, well maybe he means chicken fights as in the girls-on-top-of-shoulders-wrestling-in-a-pool. Which should be safer.

Something tells me this is NOT what he meant, and that makes me sad.

That's it, that's all. See ya tomorrow

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