Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Super Bowl XLV

OK I know, I'm a week and a half late on a blog post regarding the Super Bowl, but hey, its OK. I don't mind.

This is my family on Super Bowl Sunday in Cancun

For the first time in my life I was able to watch the Superbowl with people who cared who won. We were in Cancun and the Collage (lobby bar) held a party. In front of us were Steelers fans. Like hardcore Steelers fans. All decked out in yellow and had terrible towels and the whole nine yards. (get it? 9 yards, short of a 1st down like the Steelers were all night).

So, seeing as I have no team I cheered for Green Bay. I had a guy swear at me because I cheered for a touchdown. Then he walked up to me. And this guy was a dweeb. Shorter than me, narrow shoulders, dweeb hair cut, socks and shorts on. Just a loser. So when he was walking up to me I figured it was on like donkey kong and I had to slap him silly. When he reached me he apologized for being a poor sport and didn't mean it. Oh well, maybe next Cancun Super Bowl Party I can slap him around.

So being a Packers fan for the night, my brother and I participated in a beer chugging contest against other Steelers fans. 2 Canadians, and 6 Yankees. We showed them what we were all about and downed the beers in about 2 seconds each. Darn Yankee doodles on our teams sipped and it literally took the guy 1 minute to drink his and we lost. But did we really? NOPE! Any time you are in a beer chugging contest, you are a winner!

Anyways, we ended up taking shots of Tequila for every touchdown scored in the game and the rest of the night is a bit fuzzy.

That's it that's all

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