Tuesday, December 22, 2009


New look to the blog today. I had a special someone make me a logo and do a few changes that she felt would make it look a little better. She did such a good job, maybe I will marry her this June!!!

As I look at the new look blog it reminds of how angry people get when things change. Remember how many people are completely outraged and claim they will quit using facebook when it goes through changes. I am still waiting for those people to quit. Also all the facebook groups that get started saying if 1,000,000 people join you can get the old facebook back. I have never ever been in this group of people because change does not scare me. Unless some asks me to roll a whole bucket of change, that is something I dis like.

Speaking of dis like, when is Facebook going to get a dislike button. Has there been 1 million people join that group yet? and when is that guy going to shave his moustache or quit smoking? come one people join those groups!!!! (sarcasm)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh, yeah, hi, uh, your blog, like, totally sucks... uh, yeah