Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Not impressed

I know it has been a long time since I wrote a new B to the Log post but hey here is the latest of whats on my mind

There is something seriously wrong with the head coach of the Kindersley Kobras football team. My younger brother who has played football for the last 5 years (most experience on the team), was the starting quarterback in grade 9 and 10, and now entering grade 11, has had his role on the team reduced to special teams.
The head coach has a personal grudge against him for an incident that occurred almost a year ago during class in which my bro and a few of friends were not thinking and recorded them selves saying a few inappropriate things. Now my bro was punished by the school administration in an appropriate way. The head coach who I will now refer to as dick wad, kicked him off the football team saying he is a horrible person. Now that year is done. In the world of high school it's all about learning and my brother has learned a valuable lesson from this. Don't be a dumb ass-plain and simple. But with the new football season upon us he was not allowed to join the team because of this incident from last year.
Then once my parents brought up the fact that school punishments NEVER continue from year to year, the dick wad says his grades are not good enough to play football. Valid point, but my brother is sporting an average in the mid 70's. There are kids on this football team that are down right failing yet they have no grief. There are kids on this team that made bomb threats to the school from payphones yet they have no grief.
Whats the problem here. In a society we live in where forgiveness and second chances are part of what we stand for, why does a 16 year old who just wants to play a sport he loves and excels at have to constantly be punished for such a minor incident? Is dick wad a bully? I would say so. So dick wad, if you are reading this I would like you to maybe listen in on the bullying seminars your student-athletes are required to sit in on. You could learn a few things. This is Canada and if a guy who can go a kill someone gets out of jail and has a new life, gets all his rights back, let the best player in your football team use his talent and play. A 1 day in-school-suspensions does not warrant being bullied by a dick wad and not allowed to play football.
There was no problem when he joined the Volleyball team!

If anyone else thinks this is wrong PLEASE post a comment!!!!!!

Wow, that felt good!!!


Anonymous said...

very much agreed dean

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Firey! I like it. I do agree with the fact that Mr. Dick Wad is being a Dick Wad. But did you need to call him a Dick Wad? That's pretty rough, but deserved I guess.

Anonymous said...

I think he definatly needed to be called Mr. Dick Wad and I think Dean might have even taken it easy on him.

Dean said...

I will admit the dick wad was little childish but as I was writing this it was better than all the other words I was thinking!

Anonymous said...

It is also better than the ones I have for him as well,lol,I also have a son on that so called team!always goes to all the camps every practice but never sets foot on the field.Tell me if you have over 50 kids on the team why do the same 18-20 kids always get to play but no one eles? My thought on this is if you don't wish to give them all some play time DON'T take thier money!!It is SO hard on these kids to keep trying thier best but in his eyes are never good enough to play in a game even when they are loosing he won't let them play.As a parent how do you keep your child's self esteem up when this happens year after year?

Anonymous said...

Well said Dean! This coach needs to go..

Dean said...

the problem I have has nothing to do with talent. I do feel if you are not talented enough to play you should not play. My bro has proven he has the talent to play by starting at QB as a 14 year old. It is the coaches responsibility that if he thinks a kid does not have the talent to play he should not b/c he will get hurt.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if your bro ever appologized for being a bone head in class? It's always the coache's/teacher's/school's/police's fault. My kid never had trouble with coach, and I think you should let your bro deal with his own issues.